Ben Pon Show 2028
The date has been set; on 24-25 June, 2028 it is time for the 4th Int. BEN PON SHOW - Vintage VW Treffen and Barndoor Gathering in Enschede, the Netherlands.
BEN PON SHOW After three (2014, 2018 and 2023) successful editions, often described by participants as "EPIC", many VW enthusiasts are looking forward to the next edition! This one will be organised in 2028, the weekend before the European Bug-In #12!
Why 2028? This event normally takes place once every four years, between the years of Hessisch Oldendorf and the Bad Camberg Vintage VW meetings... Now Markus Lotterman has moved the Bad Camberg weekend from 2028 to the year 2029 - to celebrate their 50th anniversary. So in consultation with Lotterman and the Grundmann family, we have agreed to move the BEN PON SHOW from 2027 to 2028, the weekend before the European Bug-In #12 for a full week of Vintage VW events.
Another important reason for us is that we are organising the AirMighty Show once every two years - 2025, 2027, 2029, etc. - This is more organisationally convenient for us to arrange everything without two big shows in one year.... we hope you understand this.
THANKS from all of us! We hope to welcome you again on The Strip in Enschede, The Netherlands in the summer of 2028!